Platform features

Discover the leading low-code platform for core business software

low-code development

Ready for the future

Accelerate innovation and rapidly deliver solutions, with superior adaptability for future developments and ease of maintenance. Delivering your organization an unprecedented software life-span and TCO.

USoft Low code platform

The USoft platform

Experience unprecedented freedom and agility. The USoft platform combines the power of low-code with the engineering freedom and flexibility of high-code. Truly the best of both worlds. 

USoft is a unique low-code platform that combines the power and versatility of business rules and a complete end-to-end software lifecycle environment covering the design, implementation and maintenance of core software solutions.  

With USoft, you make a clear distinction between your business rules and processes, and the application(s) that execute these. This provides for a comprehensive and shared understanding, with 100% business focus. And keeps your applications simple and reliable. 

Platform features

App factory
User interaction (GUI)
IAM & Security
Community & Support

Your business rules & processes as baseline for each solution

With Studio, you capture and manage your business rules and business processes in a comprehensive and efficient way. This creates a strong baseline for efficient software development, with minimum risk of rework. 

Studio uses industry standards for process & business modelling (e.g. BPMN), and business rules and requirements management (SBVR). This supports your business to create a detailed and clear overview for each application. Always from the perspective of your business, not technology, and strongly grounded in natural language and easy to understand diagrams. 

In the background, Studio automatically analyzes and structures content, across your processes and business rules. This helps you to identify potential things you have missed in capturing your processes and rules and ensure quality in real-time. 

And the content in Studio is directly linked to how this is implemented in the software in the App Factory. Resulting in strong traceability and ease of maintenance 

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Build, maintain and evolve core applications easier than ever before

Quickly develop, test and release your full stack applications or microservice (MACH). And be assured that you can always and easily make changes to adapt to new business requirements.  

Our App Factory provides the integrated environment you need to cover all aspects for controlled and fully transparent software development. Including CI/CD functionality that support multi-platform deployment and can integrate with your organization specific deployment pipeline. 


Our customers are credit to what it takes to run core systems. We believe this begins with a strong foundation – the core of every solution. This is why USoft applies a unique model driven approach that starts with creating this core: your data model and business rules. And then we move to user interfaces and connectivity. This multi-tier approach provides an efficient “separation of concerns”. At the same time, USoft is largely self-documenting, automatically linking your implementations for unprecedented traceability. This results in very robust and easy to maintain solutions, as each part of your application can be developed, changed and maintained separately.

Instant user applications & advanced customization.

While the core of your solutions is taking shape, USoft automatically generates a functioning Desktop and Web (responsive) application. This allows you to rapidly prototype, test and evolve ideas, together with the business.  

Offering a wide range of features for customization and using open standards, your GUI can also be designed and customized to fully meet the needs of the end-user 

Strongly based on open industry technology standards for GUI design, USoft delivers flexible, scalable, and long-lasting applications. 

Additional features are e.g. multi-language functionality, APEX charts and nuget support, advanced default and custom controls options and advanced web-testing. 

Carefree integration: anywhere & everywhere.

With USoft, open connectivity with your IT landscape is an uncompromising starting point.

With our Services Framework and versatile extensions capabilities, your USoft solution can easily and safely connect to any data source, external functionality, and any other system. Seamlessly making USoft part of your IT landscape or embed external functionality as an integral part of a USoft application, e.g. AI.

USoft strongly relies on and supports open industry standards for connectivity and offers a unique run-time Meta API. 

Integrated access & security management

Protect your sensitive data and resources from unauthorized access and improve compliance with data privacy regulations and your internal policies.

With USoft, authentication and authorization are an integral part of each solution. This allows you to easily manage and control data access, on different levels, for users and connected systems.

Based on open standards like SAML, SCIM and OAuth, USoft can function as identity provider and connect to any existing identity provider in your infrastructure.   

And further strengthen your security assurance with USoft’s extensive capabilities for auditing and logging.

Become part of our movement

You can ask any of our skilled professionals or customer – Creating effective and long-lasting core systems is a craft. To support in developing craftsmanship and using the USoft low-code platform at its full potential, we are here to help you as a professional.

Join our community platform and connect to other professionals. Share information, best-practices and help others to hone their USoft skills.

Use our online product documentation in the community knowledge base to look-up any specific knowledge items you need. 

And connect with our specialist for specific documentation questions you have.

Register for the USoft Academy and follow our platform training curriculum, the best way to start working with the USoft low-code platform.

We are ready here to help you every step of the way! Our support team is ready to assist in any area that you need. Simply reach out to our support specialist and we will help you to find what you need, get back on track and speed up your skill development.

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Why choose the USoft Platform

Your core IT landscape must always perform, be stable and future proof, and easily adapt to the changing nature of your organization. Fast-track your digital transformation with USoft. Build and run your core business applications faster, at lower cost and more flexible than ever before.
Software applications - Use cases

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What client tell us

The people at USoft are genuinely enthusiastic about our business. There is a common drive to improve it.

Garbis van Okburcht
Sr. Manager Enabling Technologies, Schiphol

USoft understands the complexity of our business better than anyone. As a result, they understand our business very quickly’

Hans Stokman
ICT Manager, Pluripharm

USoft is great at providing feedback and getting to the core of our business needs’

Tony Spragg

USoft factsheet - Legacy Modernization - Cover - EN

Curious to learn how we can modernize your legacy applications with our low-code platform?

Download Factsheet Legacy Modernization