client case


Integrated solution for market data management for Farminform’s information services on pharmaceutical price and usage patterns.


Relying on 50 years of experience in automated data collection, processing, enrichment and publication, Farminform provides high-quality anonymized information about medicine use in the Netherlands. Its earliest origins date back to 1971, when 11 market parties operating in the Dutch pharmaceutical sector used punch card systems to analyze medicine sales. Today, Farminform has become an independent data trust for key pharma stakeholders, including healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical supply chain.

The challenge

Back in 2011, Farminform needed a technology partner to support its service innovation. With its pharmaceutical market data as a key selling point, Farminform wanted to find a long-term solution to guarantee robust, reliable quality.

Farminform uses USoft

Minimal change, maximum improvement

Improved services – but without significantly changing the data output

The company’s customers demand high standards of quality. Léon Walenbergh (Farminform management): “The Dutch Authority for Consumer and Market (ACM) buys our information in order to get better insights into the development of expensive medicines and to be able to do their own analyses.”

Farminform receive reliable data on many different medicinal products, which they can use in their own systems for analysis purposes. These customers rely on Farminform to deliver the same thing every month, so the product format needed to remain unchanged.


Structural optimization

Improved structure of the Farminform databases

Since almost all Dutch wholesalers share and purchase market information, Farminform can list medicine sales data for the entire Dutch market, including a substantial proportion of non-prescription medicines.

With around two million database records per month, it is important not to make any mistakes. The structure of the Farminform databases needed to be improved to reduce errors and boost flexibility – achieving long-term stability and reliable data quality.

Farminform optimization with USoft
Future proof solution

Future-proof solution

New system prepared for a more diffuse market

Farminform needed its new solution to accommodate market developments that could not yet be anticipated at that point.

A new database was needed that complied with the new requirements. Léon Walenbergh: “We had to consider future forms of distribution that function side by side.”

Why Farminform chose USoft

“USoft is great at providing feedback and getting to the core of our business needs: where are we at this moment, what is the status, what is the progress and which issues still need to be sorted? The exchange of information between USoft and Farminform has always been very clear. We always knew exactly which milestones we had reached in the process.”

Martijn van Bloois

Data analyst at Farminform

The solution

Farminform worked closely with USoft to build a database solution and develop related services that complied with the new requirements – while remaining flexible enough to accommodate future adjustments. Built on the USoft low-code platform, the suite of solutions created over time has delivered continuity, while keeping pace with the evolving needs of Farminform’s customers.

Warehouse pharmacy

Fine-grained reporting & high data quality

In addition to the standard reports (fiROM), Farminform can also provide customised reports (fiSERVICES) for its subscribers, but also for umbrella organizations and the Dutch government. Farminform is better equipped to leverage its data and expertise thanks to the solutions built on the USoft low-code platform.

Process control

Farminform receives over 100 files every month that need to be imported into their computer systems. Léon Walenbergh explains, “Actions such as file checks and error resolution that used to be performed separately are now integrated into the USoft Rules Engine.”

Process control pharmacy market
Troubleshooting USoft

Structural troubleshooting

Thanks to the business rules in the USoft low-code platform, Farminform can now structurally solve problems as they arise. This provides for a very robust solution that supports Farminform in easily managing its services and data consistency.

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The results

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