
Managers expect increase in real-time intelligence

Two-thirds of managers expect increase in real-time information provision in 2023. Combining data from different systems is one of the main focus areas.

Real-time information provision
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Managers expect increase in real-time intelligence

For 58 percent, combining data systems is a focus areas

Naarden, January 11, 2022 – At least two in three (67%) managers state that real-time information provision will play a greater role within organizations in the coming years. This is according to research by low-code specialist for business-critical software USoft. In the logistics and transport sector, this percentage is even higher: here, as many as 82 percent of managers expect an increasing use of real-time information provision.

Combining systems

Real-time information facilities are taking on an increasingly prominent role in the Dutch business world. To provide organizations with this, the majority (58%) of managers see combining data from different systems as one of the most important spearheads for the coming years. In the communications and media industry, this is even 83 percent. As many as 68 percent are convinced that the organization makes better decisions when it has real-time information. In addition, 55 percent of respondents believe that real-time information is important for generating more revenue.

Data as the basis

Although three in five (59 percent) managers see real-time information provision as an absolute condition for performing their processes well, only 36 percent of managers work in a fully data-driven organization. This does not mean that decisions are made without data. In fact, survey results show that 47 percent of managers state that the majority of decisions are data-driven. In the communications and media sector, this is as high as 83 percent.

Hans Canisius, CEO at USoft, says: “The survey shows that combining data from different systems is one of the main focus areas of managers this year. Nevertheless, fully data-driven organizations are scarce. A shame, because to compete as an organization in the future, decision-making will have to be based on data. So there is a job for the IT department to modernize core systems in a way that facilitates data exchange. This will require making some smart choices. One of them is to deploy low-code as a strong enabler for digitalization that, above all, enables the business to develop quickly and respond to important changes in the market.”


(This report is only available in Dutch)

USoft conducted research among 540 managers in the Netherlands, at organisations with more than 50 employees. Almost half came from organisations with more than 250 employees.

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