

Here you will find a variety of blogs and news-items about our software solutions and services in the field of low-code development, business rules management, decision support software and privacy management tooling.
  • All Blog Topics
  • Low Code Development (27)
  • Business Rules (20)
  • Legacy Modernization (14)
  • Privacy (4)
  • Artificial Intelligence (3)
  • Decision Automation (1)

Interview software developer at USoft

Software Developer Rory van Ligten is the first of USoft to talk…

April 2019

Close your privacy gap with OpenGDPR

The new open-source framework OpenGDPR has been launched for handling data subject…

October 2018

Is CEP the new ERP

CEP enriches business processes by predicting events based on data from existing…

July 2018

Embrace artificial intelligence now! It’s only natural

USoft is applying AI in biometric authentication and real-time decision-making.

May 2018
Raise ROI of software

Data protection: a matter of CSR or ‘CSI’

Data protection is a matter of Corporate Social Responsibility or not? Prepare…

April 2018

The significant difference between AI, ML and Deep Learning

The significant difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

February 2018

Always valuable in the Act-Now economy

Making the moment of now even more valuable for everyone requires continuous…

October 2017
Airport traveller

Controlling the cost of disruption, but how?

Controlling the cost of disruption by predicting disruptions and implement business rules…

September 2017
Complicated wires

Data portability: all you need to know

Prepare for data portability and GDPR. The new right to data portability…

June 2017

The five main tasks of the Data Protection Officer

Five main tasks of the Data Protection Officer. Explanation of the relevant…

May 2017
Mijn OAZ portal

Four new rights of the individual under GDPR

New rules for privacy: Four new rights of the individual.

April 2017
Versnipperd klandbeeld

How to get a clear picture of wishes and needs? Simple! Keep asking!

5 x why method for a clear picture – identify needs and…

May 2016

6 tips for a successful project

6 tips to run your project successfully. Get your wishes and requirements…

January 2016
Container with airplane