
Interview software developer at USoft

Software Developer Rory van Ligten is the first of USoft to talk about why he loves his job.

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Interview software developer at USoft

The future looks bright for USoft. Business is good and growing at such a pace that we are hiring new staff. Rather than telling possible candidates what to expect from us ourselves, we prefer to let current staff do the talking. Software Developer Rory agreed to kick off.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

“I joined USoft by the end of 2015 as an intern. After finishing my internship, while I was still studying, they allowed me to work on a part-time basis for a while. By mid-2017, after graduation, I returned to USoft and have worked full-time as a Software Developer ever since. Most of my time you will find me working on and adding features to the USoft platform and doing bug fixing. As you know we build software applications around a rules engine.

Software is not expressed and implemented in terms of features and requirements, but rather in terms of business rules and business logic. One of the things I have accomplished lately is the creation of an application using the USoft platform which drives a machine to measure different types of bacteria. I have also developed software to enable several components, written in Java and C sharp, to communicate with each other.”

Why did you join USoft?

“It wasn’t a deliberate choice as I was approached by a recruiting agency. People like me find themselves in a luxury position as the labor market has been very tight for a while. I certainly don’t regret teaming up with USoft, quite the contrary. My colleagues accepted me as a new member of the family right from the start. One of the things I enjoy most is the fact that all employees are offered a lot of freedom in performing their tasks. We are even closely involved in deciding what particular job or project we are assigned to. On top of that, working from home is an option and there is a world to be learned in terms of technology and programming languages.”

How can you best describe USoft?

“Resourceful, challenging, diverse and innovative are words that come to mind. They are really at the forefront of technology, or actually a whole range of technologies. With approx. 50 colleagues, it is also an international environment. Almost everything we do is related to our own unique platform for software development, which offers a lot of opportunities to learn and get the most out of oneself.”

Which projects are you currently working on?

“At the moment I am upgrading an application to the latest version of the USoft platform. On occasion, I am also involved in some client projects where I am taking the role of a consultant with a focus on solving and programming technical issues.”

Any particular project you are most proud of?

“I am actually generally happy with everything I do, although I can’t deny feeling at least a little proud of my contribution to a specific project in the field of managing and controlling lab equipment. Also, it is quite satisfying to see that certain things I developed for a Dutch airport two years ago are still operational.”

What working at USoft?

“It’s great fun working at USoft for reasons I have already mentioned. Being surrounded by such a diversity of techniques and new technologies, the challenges are almost infinite. This allows me to further develop myself as an individual as well. Companies and recruiters who are hiring approach me almost on a daily basis. I don’t even look at what they are offering because I am perfectly happy with my job at USoft.”

What advice could you give someone who is looking to join USoft?

“As long as you can deal with a great amount of freedom, and love eating pie, don’t wait any longer and submit your application. You won’t be disappointed!”

Has our interview with Rory triggered your interest and do you see a professional future as a Software Developer at USoft?! Then apply now!

Need some more information first?! Call Margreet Ligthart Schenk, HR Manager, on: 06-462 121 57.

Open applications are also very welcome.

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